Work with robot TIM ( Train Inspection Monorail) and its robotic arm in LHC tunnel.
(Image: CERN)
The new Building 937 (B937), inaugurated on 10 November in Prévessin, brings under the same roof the lab facilities for robotics, mechatronics and electronics testing, cable manufacturing and radiation testing, along with offices for the two sections. Here a view on the CRANEbot in the new robotics lab facility.
(Image: CERN)
Work with robot TIM ( Train Inspection Monorail) and its robotic arm in LHC tunnel.
(Image: CERN)
Opening of the HRMT-45 module by means of a robot
(Image: CERN)
The new Building 937 (B937), inaugurated on 10 November in Prévessin, brings under the same roof the lab facilities for robotics, mechatronics and electronics testing, cable manufacturing and radiation testing, along with offices for the two sections. Here a view on the CRANEbot in the new robotics lab facility.
(Image: CERN)
CERNbot is a novel robotics platform, which is not only the robot but the entire robotics framework. It can be customised according to the needs, which is the biggest advantage that we get from this novel platform. (Video: CERN)
Explore the BIDs documentation by clicking on the various points of the accelerator complex image, and unlock a wealth of knowledge through the comprehensive documentation at your fingertips (Image: CERN).