CERNbot is a teleoperated vehicle which allows to carry out procedures remotely with the required degree of care and precision. It can thus replace human beings in especially dangerous situations and take over their work.

The vehicle supports the operator in the following tasks regarding dangerous items:

  • Identification and processing of objects
  • Providing access to buildings and closed rooms
  • Use of various devices to dispose of dangerous items
  • Reconnaissance, monitoring and investigation by means of the built-in cameras or special cameras
  • Use of various electrical and mechanical tools
  • Transporting, positioning and remotely controlled use of measuring equipment.

The standard configuration of this full custom CERN made ground robotic platform includes two robotic arms 6DOF and gripers for bimanual operation.

CERNbot components
CERNbot components (Image: CERN).

Two versions of the CERNbot are available, CERNbot 1.0 and CERNbot 2.0.

CERNbot 1.0 and CERNbot 2.0
CERNbot 1.0 and CERNbot 2.0 (Image: CERN).

The second version (CERNbot 2.0) is equipped with the lifting stage mechanism, which allows to lift the equipment platform up to 1.6 m from the floor. Furthermore, both versions can be equipped with any, one or two robotic arms, changing slightly their dimensions and reachability. This modularity allows to perform different tasks.

CERNbot 2.0 use case (Video: CERN)


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